Tale of 3 Cities campaign calls for more support for young people experiencing trauma

Tale of 3 cities logo A unique campaign called A Tale of 3 Cities, that brings together the voices of hundreds of young people to tackle the stigma around the diagnosis of ‘Personality Disorder’, launches 1 May.

Alongside Centre for Mental Health, 42nd Street from Manchester and the Anna Freud Centre in London, we will spend May shining a spotlight on young people living with mental distress, hopelessness and despair, often associated with a diagnosis of ‘Personality Disorder’.

Backed by former Health Minister Sir Norman Lamb, A Tale of 3 Cities will bring together young people, parents, carers, clinicians and mental health campaigners during May through a number of online and in person events, as part of Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month.

While the term ‘Borderline Personality Disorder’ is recognised clinically, it still lacks understanding. Many young people are given this diagnosis, but we wish to look beyond the labels, acknowledging the lives of young people who experience deep distress, relational and emotional difficulties, where risk and harming behaviours can and sometimes are caused by previous trauma.

Director of Nursing for Mental Health Services Elaine Kirwan, said:

“We are very excited and proud to be part of A Tale of 3 Cities. We will be using the month of May to create discussions and campaign for change around the care and treatment for young people and adults with complex trauma.

“While we know that the care and treatment we provide here at FTB is starting to make a difference, the same level of care is not being offered in many other parts of the UK. With good care and treatment, recovery is possible so we must do more for young people.”

A Tale of 3 Cities (#TO3C) focuses on young people’s views and experiences, which will be at the heart of every conversation. Each of the #TO3C events throughout May will raise awareness and call to explore the potential of earlier intervention and co-chaired by an expert by experience and an expert by profession.

We will also be playing our part in challenging the often pervasive and deeply harmful discrimination towards young people who face stigma surrounding their diagnosis which sometimes leads to difficulties in accessing the support and care they need and deserve.

To get involved in any of the events please see Centre for Mental Health's website.