This journey has helped me get a diagnosis of ARFID and helped me get the support I need in school and home life, which has made it easier, and the staff are nice too. The team have helped me have Hope that my condition is real and has an official name and that I can get help and support. I am given my own voice in my care plans, and I am listened to.
Our daughter has ARFID, and she has benefitted from dietician and psychologist input. Knowing there are people to contact if our daughter hits rock bottom and won’t/can’t tolerate any food has given us hope in our journey. The staff we encountered were very supportive and used age-appropriate language and scenarios with our daughter.
My son has had an eating disorder since weaning, and no one has been interested. He is 12, and we finally got listened to and referred. His worker has made the whole process amazing. My son was adamant he wasn't doing this and would not engage and didn't want to know. After only a few sessions he is now engaged and is happy to go. Treatment is all about my child and how he needs to move forward and how it is centred around his love of football and not food. This has made the whole process more enjoyable than him dreading it. He is so different about this and even said can we invite his worker round for Sunday dinner after treatment this is huge for him. It is meaningful to us that it is all about my son and what works for him, and it is led by how he is. For example, we have upped the sessions to weekly as he is doing well but can be cut short if he has had enough.