Resources for parents and carers

two ladies looking at a laptopAs part of the #YouveBeenMissed campaign, the resources are for you to do with your child or young person to help support their emotional wellbeing. There is also guidance to support you to work together with the school where there are concerns regarding Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA).

NVR Group Information

Week 1 - An Overview of NVR

Week 2 - Parental Presence and Self-care

Week 3 - De-escalation

Week 4 - Reconciliation

Week 5 - Lifting and Veil of Secrecy and Accommodation

Week 6 - Baskets

Week 7 - Supporters

Week 8 - Deferred Response Part 1

Week 9 - Deferred response part 2

Week 10


  • A Short film  from Birmingham Children’s partnership (40 seconds!) for parents