The festive season is one of the busiest times of the year. For some of us, it can be an exciting occasion, whether you're spending time with your loved ones, eating festive treats or catching up with old friends. However, the weeks ahead may be a daunting prospect for those living with a mental health issue. The festive season can be stressful, especially with COVID-19 and entering a third year of uncertainty, so it’s important take the time to look after your mental health.
Dr Satbinder Kaur Bhogal is the Clinical Pathway Lead for the Personality and Complex Trauma (PACT) Pathway in Forward Thinking Birmingham, our 0-25s mental health services. Dr Bhogal has put together these top tips for looking after your mental health this festive season:
Tip 1 - Take some time out to reflect on the year
You deserve some time to reflect on everything you have gone through and seek support where needed. It's the simple things that make a difference. The year has gone so fast and some time to reflect on the year and the year ahead would be helpful. Often we can go through life without reflecting on where our minds and bodies are at.
Tip 2 - Be true to your feelings
Often, we can feel pressured to go out when we're not feeling so great. It's important to put ourselves on pause if we need to and not mask our feelings. Saying no can be empowering and also needed. The energy it takes to mask your feelings can be greater than acknowledging your true feelings.
Tip 3 - Remember your loved ones
There may be some grief and sadness that has happened, and these festive times can be so hard as they stir up emotions of loss. Don't be afraid to remember your loved ones how you feel appropriate.
Tip 4 - Talk about how you feel
If you're struggling, the best thing you can do is to talk to someone. Talking to others, whether it’s your loved ones or a professional, can help lift the weight and give you reassurance.
Tip 5 – Show some self-compassion to yourself
Whatever you’re doing over the festive period we all deserve a sprinkle of self-love, so be kind to yourself.
Get Support
If you are under 25 and registered with a GP in Birmingham, you can receive support from Pause. Our friendly team are here should you want to talk to someone about anything relating to emotional wellbeing.