FTB East Hub are in their new home at Washwood Heath Health and Wellbeing Centre

We are pleased to announce our FTB East hub colleagues have now moved from the Blakesley Centre to their much-improved new environment at Washwood Heath Primary Care Centre.
As part of our ongoing review of FTB's facilities, and in response to feedback, we know that the Blakesley Centre didn’t offer the right environment and facilities to effectively meet your healthcare needs. We base this view not only on the valuable input we have received from you, as our service users and carers, but it is also very clear from our recent CQC report.
Why FTB we made the decision to move to Washwood Heath Health and Wellbeing Centre?
Despite our efforts to improve the facilities at Blakesley over the years, various factors limit our ability to make the full range of changes needed. For this reason, the decision was made to relocate the delivery of your care from the Blakesley Centre to the much-improved environment of Washwood Heath Primary Care Centre.
What are the benefits of Washwood Heath Health and Wellbeing Centre?
Our new team base, designed with valuable input from some of our service users, is an accessible purpose-built facility that offers a welcoming and accommodating space for all. It offers modern clinical spaces with access to onsite pharmacy and much-improved access for those with mobility issues. The centre is also situated in a location with access to a range of public transport options, including train access from the city centre.
There is a map below of the Washwood Heath Health and Wellbeing Centre's location, along with information on various transportation options.
Thoughts from our colleagues so far about the new environment
‘Lovely new building, I like the atmosphere and the facilities available, it’s the best thing we did for our patients’
‘My patients have fed back to say they like the new hub, its clean and refreshing. I also like the new hub, we are lucky to have a new building’
‘I like it, the team are finally getting use to the new set up.'
Further information and how to contact us:
Your feedback is crucial to us, so please share any thoughts, questions, or concerns you may have by emailing us at think4.brum@nhs.net or bwc.pmo.ftb@nhs.net .
We, your team, remain as dedicated as ever to making sure that your individual care needs and recovery goals are considered, and met during the transition and beyond.
Map and travel information for Washwood Heath Health and Wellbeing Centre :